Yunpeng Qu

Publisher:开云手机入口,开云(中国)Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:15

Name:Yunpeng Qu

Professional   Title:lecturer

Office:Apartment   317, Boxue buildin, Guizhou University


Areas of Expertise:Electromagnetic   metamaterial

Enrollment   Direction:Condensed matter physics

Personal Profile

Yunpeng Qu, Ph.D., master's supervisor, is a high-level talent introduced from special post in Guizhou Province. He is mainly engaged in the research of abnormal physical properties such as negative dielectric/negative permeability of electromagnetic metamaterials. He has published more than 30 papers, 4 cover papers, 1 highly cited paper, and 2 national invention patents in SCI journals of Region I/II as the first author/corresponding author. Presided over a talent science and technology project in Guizhou Province.

Academic Experience

2022.9-now, joined the condensed matter Physics research group of the School of Physics, Guizhou University.

Academic achievement

As the first author/corresponding author, he has published 16 high-level SCI papers n journals such as Advanced Science, Composite Science and Technology, Advanced Composite Hybrid Materials, Rare Metals, and Scripta Materialia, including 1 ESI highly cited paper and 4 cover papers. He is committed to the research of negative dielectric/negative permeability responsive electromagnetic metamaterials, and his research work on RF negative dielectric materials is especially unique at home and abroad. Invited to give an academic report at China Metamaterials Conference Metamaterials Branch (Shenzhen).

Representative works

1Compos. Sci. Technol. 217 (2022) 109092.

2Scripta. Mater., 203 (2021) 114067

3J. Alloy. Compd., 847 (2020) 156526.

4J. PHYS. CHEM. C. 124 (2020) 23361-23367.

5Ceram. Int., 47 (2021) 17345-17352.

Version date: September 2024